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Wild Yam & Cramp Bark Herbal Tea

Stomach cramps and pain during pregnancy is normal and most of the time it's nothing to worry about.  It’s usually due to things such as constipation or increased blood flow to the uterus in the first trimester. It can be due to Braxton-Hicks contractions or in the second and third trimesters ligament pain can be a common cause.  In most cases using herbal remedies can be a natural and safe way to deal with the pain and discomfort, however if you are concerned or if the pain is severe or continuous, there is bleeding always seek medical advice.

This Wild Yam and Cramp Bark tea can help to ease cramps and stomach pain.  Wild Yam is believed to behave in a similar way as the natural estrogen our bodies produce, helping to balance hormones even during pregnancy.  Partridge Berry is known for its tonic actions on the womb and uterus helping to alleviate cramping and pain.

Cramp Bark as the name suggests is an effective anti-spasmodic that can help alleviate menstrual cramping and pain associated with periods. Partridge Berry can help with stomach cramps and pain during pregnancy due to its tonic effect on the womb and the uterus.


60g (4 tablespoons) -  Cramp Bark (Viburnum Trilobum)

30g (2 tablespoons) - Wild Yam (Dioscorea Villosa)

30g (2 tablespoons) -  Partridge Berry (Squaw Vine)  (Mitchella Repens)

1 ½ pints - Water


  • Mix the herbs together.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of the mixed herbs to 1 ½  pint of boiling water.

  • Leave to steep for 20 minutes.

  • Strain the liquid, add honey to sweeten.

  • Allow to cool.

  • Bottle and store in a cool place.


  • Take 4 tablespoons 3 - 4 times per day.


Although most herbs are generally considered safe to use there is the slight possibility of allergic reactions or adverse reactions when used with other medication although this is rare.

Partridge Berry is considered safe to use but should be avoided if pregnant or breastfeeding.  Due to its estrogenic properties Wild Yam should not be used in hormone sensitive conditions such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids.  True Unicorn is generally considered safe for general use, however in large doses can cause nausea and vomiting. Cramp Bark is also considered safe to use, but should be avoided if pregnant and/or breastfeeding.

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